Lucy continues to do well. She loves holding Vivi, getting her diapers ready, and replacing her binky when needed. It doesn't hurt that I have also pulled out all the baby toys again that have been packed away. I think Lucy is playing with them more now than she did back then!
My mom came in last week when Mark went back to work full time, and gave me some much needed help. The house was still in a bit of chaos, and it was nice to finish organizing things and catch up on some sleep. It was also nice to spend some time with my mom, and to allow her some time to bond with my newest daughter. We also did some shopping, and all of us girls got some new clothes.
The social worker comes tomorrow for our one month post placement. I need to have a birthmom letter and pictures ready. I bought the birthmom a card a few weeks ago, but have yet to write it. So many things have been running through my head. There are SO MANY things I want to say to convey to her...but I just don't know how to put it in words so that she can "feel" the emotion I am trying to share. I wish I could just meet her for 2 minutes.......
I pray in time this may happen.
I am just taking my time and enjoying my family. God is good!