Monday, August 24, 2009
Vivi Grace at 2 months
Our sweet girl is now two months old. I can hardly believe that it was 8 weeks ago today that our social worker called with the good (um GREAT!) news!
She is growing like a weed! We haven't weighed her in the last 2 weeks, but at 6 weeks she was already 10.2 pounds. She now has the cutest chubby cheeks and double chin!! I cannot wait to hear what her Dr says at her 2 week check up next Monday.
She is all but done with the colic (AMEN!) and has still been sleeping 5-6 hours at night. We seem to have a routine. I stay up and give her the last feeding at night (or AM! LOL!) and Mark gives her a bottle before he leaves for work, allowing Lucy and I a chance to sleep in a bit.
This girl LOVES her baths! Put her in the warm water and she smiles, giggles and kicks everytime, no matter how tired she may be.
We still cuddle every evening/night, and I have been accussed on more than one occassion of spoiling the little bugger. Um, I DON'T THINK SO! LOL!
Lucy continues to rock the big sister thing, and has shown NO SIGNS of jealousy. I am so proud of her !! If a diaper needs changed, she is right there to help, if Vivi is fussing, she plugs the binky in before I can make a move! And, she is SOO proud of herself!
I am sorry if you think I am sugar coating things...I really am not. If I could have 20 more of Vivi, I would....... If we knew Lucy would have handled it this well (honestly, we were worried!) we would have been on the next adoption sooner!! God has truly blessed us with the BEST baby and BIG SISTER, and to HIM we are eternally grateful!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
CCAI #1168 Reunion in Cincinnati Aug 7-9, 2009
Saturday we visited the Newport Aquarium
And then the kids played in the pool....
Lucy & her new crush Zach

Sunday we said goodbye

We had another sucessful and wonderful reunion with our China travel group. Because we all adopted off of the SN list, our travel group was quite small...only 4 families total. (One family has been unable to join us for the past two meetings..) This gave us a chance, I believe to become much closer as a group. I love that when we meet now, it feels like seeing family again. We all just seem to pick up where we left off, and the kids (siblings included!) play together SO WELL!! It truly is a joy to be able to meet up with them every time!! Thank you Miller and Debono families for another great weekend! We wish we could have spent more time with you all!! A special THANK YOU to Ron who has taken the time these past 2 yrs to plan these weekends, and to both families for coming to Ohio so that we could be a part of it! We love and miss you guys!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Sweet Vivi Grace
Baby girl,
Do you know how much you are loved? You are loved many times over. You are loved to the moon and back. You are loved to infinity.
At night, when it is just you and I, I get lost in in our snuggles. I drink in your sweet baby smell, and I hold you tight. It is in these moments that I am in awe that you are another's flesh and blood...that you were carried in someone elses womb. That she loved you SO MUCH, that she gave you to me. ME! To love you, to cherish you, to raise you as my own. To her, your first mom, I am forever grateful. You could not fit into our lives more perfectly. You could not fit into the crook of my arm more gently, and you could not fit in my heart more profoundly.
You, Vivienne Grace, are our answer to prayer. You are our miracle. Our sweet baby girl, our daughter!
I love you,

Friday, August 7, 2009
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