Hi All!
Sorry this follow up is coming so late! As you can imagine, the last 24+ hours have been such a whirlwind in our household!
I received a call Monday morning around 10am from our adoption agency. Knowing we had a meeting with the director the next day, I just assummed it was a confirmation call. Imagine my surprise when on the other end introducing herself was the BIRTHMOM SOCIAL WORKER "Dina"!! She started with "I have a situation for you..........." and went on to explain that baby girl had been born Sunday morning at 9:20 am, weighing in at 7 lbs 1 oz, and 18 1/2 inches, and needed a forever mommy and daddy. Were we interested she asked? I sat there stunned and shaking. All I could muster was, "Can I have your number and call you back? I need to ask my husband. Oh, and are we the only family you have called?" (Smooth Jill, smooth.....) She gave me her number and I called Mark at work.
Surprisingly he answered the phone, and I said "Congrats babe! Your're a dad! It's a girl!" He thought I was joking. See, just the night before, after Lucy had fallen asleep, he and I had sat outside and discussed the whole adoption thing. His EXACT words were "This needs to happen now, I am getting tired of the not knowing." I assurred him this was not a joke, and told him about baby girl. After sharing what I DID know at that point, I hung up with Mark and called back "Dina", and told her it was a go!
I know you think I was nuts, I prefer to call it shock, but I just went back about my day. Lucy had a playdate at her friend's house, so I dropped her off, and then started to do some cleaning. I remember I was cleaning the bathroom when it hit me as a flood of tears. I was going to be a mom again! All the paperwork, all the wait, all the answering NO when someone asked if we had heard anything....it was all over. Reality had finally hit! How was this going to effect Lucy? How am I going to handle two children? And then...OMG, we have NOTHING for an infant!!!!!!!! I needed and wanted my best friend who is now living a state away. I wanted someone just to hug me and say....."You can do this in 2 days Jill! You can!" So, I sucked it up, and the whirlwind began again!
Family got on the line looking for hand me downs until we can get settled. I (or we) have hit T*arget, Once U*pon a Child, B*abies R Us, TJ M*axx, and a friends house trying to get my hands on everything I think we might need. I guess we will learn while we were under the gun so to speak!
So, here we are.......... it is past midnight and here I sit wide awake "talking" to you all! Assuming all goes well, baby girl should be placed in our arms in less than 14 hrs. I say "assuming things go well" because we know that the birthmom and dad could come forth and take their daughter home with them. As DEVASTATING as this would be, it IS their right. She is THEIR daughter still (and always will be) and it is a reality that this could still happen. I would ask that you please pray for us..that we DO get baby girl, but what I truly want, as PAINFUL as this is, is for the birthmom to make the right decision for her and the baby. I ask that you pray for us that God's will be done. That birthmom and dad have some peace in there decision. And that baby girl remains happy and healthy.
I would LOVE to share more of baby girl's story, but feel that it is HER story to tell. Not mine. We do have a name picked..I think anyways. (We are not required to have a name yet, but seeing as I had a cat for 9 yrs named Kitten, the social worker thought it might be a good idea to do it now! LOL!) I will try to get pictures of Gotcha Day posted tomorrow when we return home!!
THANK YOU to all of you for your sweet comments and prayers. They are felt, and appreciated!
Hugs, Jill
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Lucy & Garrison
We met Garrison and his awesome mommy and daddy, Mark and Laura, on the beach. Turns out he and Lucy are the same age, and that coincidentally, Garrison was adopted from Russia! They will be celebrating one year as a family in July. We hit it off, found that we were renting houses back to back, and ended up going to dinner and spending some wonderful time with them. Unfortunately, we are in Ohio, and our new friends live in Atlanta, but we hope to stay in touch and see them again sometime soon! 
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