Lucy Lou before

Lucy Lou after

Yeah.......... I had it chopped off. You might be thinking something along the lines of 'what was SHE thinking??!!?'. Well, I'll tell you. Lucy would
cry scream everytime I even picked up a comb or brush, let alone ponytail holders. I figured life would now be easier- for ALL of us! She seems to like it, and I KNOW my in-laws are just going to HAVE A COW, but I figure someday she will "get" what iit all means to have longer hair and then we will grow it again. Until then, enjoy the bob!
She looks adorable!!! Be thankfull your daughter has hair! My daughter barely has any! Lol!
I LOVE it! I think I'm going to continue to keep Josie's short bobbed haircut. It's so easy to take care of. She's adorable with her new hairdo.
Love it!!! Lucy looks so cute! I wanted to get Katie hair cut short and donate to Locks of Love. She didn't want her hair cut short.
I love the title of your post. My niece says that all the time.
Have a great weekend!
I am SO with you on short hair! The minute my daughter screams when combing I tell her I'm making an appointment to get it cut. I think she's ready to get it chopped again:)
My theory is one can't complain what you do to your child's hair unless you deal with it EVERYDAY!!!! I LOVE it! Can't wait to get pictures taken again! It will be weird having LInley's hair the longest!
I LOVE IT!!! It's too precious!!
Got your email...we respond soon ;)
Hugs, stacy
I love it too. Short and Sassy!
My mom cut my sister and my hair when we were about the same age. She said we were "tender headed" and she simply couldn't stand the screaming of two every morning(we are twins). It was a horrible hair cut, way too short and I have vivid memories of people commenting to her "Aren't your boys precious"?
At least Lucy's cut is cute, and you can tell she's a girl! :)
How adorable!!! It looks just perfect on her!:)
I, for one, LOVE it!!! I plan on keeping Mia's hair like this for a very long time. Lucy looks adorable in her new do!
It looks so cute!! I LOVE it short and sassy:)
We are in the same boat with Sarah right now....her hair has gotten so long and although I do love it, it is a BATTLE every morning....she screams when I brush it and heaven help if I go for a ponytail holder!! You might have inspired me......
Have a great weekend:)
It is adorable! Love it!
It is very cute. My daughter hasn't minded brushes and always has her hair up in some type of pony tail, pig tails, bow bows or something. She must have a tough scalp. :o) I won't say she is hard-headed.
Have a blessed day! Lucy looks adorable!
I think it's absolutely adorable!! I just love short bobs. :-)
It is a precious cut! She looks so grown up...
I think it's adorable! She looks like a little woman and I'm all for avoiding the screams. My little sister had long, long hair all through early childhood and I remember the over-reaction all too well!
Lucy's new do is absolutely precious!! She looks adorable!
Smiles! :o)
No I love it!
Oh so very cute!!
Jill ~ I love her new look! Her hair already looks thicker and also more manageable.
I think it's so cute!!! I totally empathize with what you went through...Sophia does NOT like pig tails or clipies or anything in her hair and it's a challenge to get them in! Lucy is adorable!!!
Jill!!! I LOVE IT!!! She looks so cute and so sassy...
"Watch out Paige...I may go Jill on you" : )
It looks adorable!!!
I think her hair is adorable. I had long long hair as a little girl and wanted so badly to cut it short! (I had the same fear of combs). And thank-you so much for the kind comment on my blog today. It means a lot to me.
It looks so cute! I can't wait until Phoebe's hair grows enough to get this look! Miss you tons...hugs!
Love Love Love the Bob!!!!! It's absolutely adorable on her :-) I did the same thing with Delaney...oh about 2 years ago and she just loves it. It's so easy and so cute....and it's always 'in place'....takes seconds to get ready now!! Plus...I just love how bobs frame the can't go wrong.
Oh and how exciting on your domestic sounds like you should be getting close...but the adoption never know :-) No, you're not obsessing, but I'd be the same way..hee hee.
Miss Lucy is JUST TOO CUTE for words!!!! Glad she likes her new do!! WE LOVE IT!!!
For now, we're just going with the "Bad Hair Day" look until Jillian's hair gets longer. She just doesn't like anything in her hair.
However, lately, she has SOMETIMES been ALLOWING me to put a barret to hold her hair out of her eyes! LOL!!
Sending lots of Hugs!!
My gosh ... she's looks so grown up!
Lucy is a beauty ... no matter what!
Pretty as a peach!
Love, love , love it!!
Love the new do! She is adorable!
NOTHING cuter than a Chinese girl and her little black, shiny bob! You go girl! Can't wait for Macy Li's to grow into one...Wanted to thank you for all your sweet comments on my blog...That dress came from GrannyB's and I'll have to find her site and get back to you...I ordered several (yikes...its a sickness) from her and they're so professionally done and all very beautiful.
Blessings on your day!
Hi Jill. Found your blog via your comments on Macy Li's blog (fromdatingtodiapers). Your Lucy is adorable (we have a Lucy too via domestic adoption). Cannot wait to follow along on your next adoption journey. Blessings, Kim
Lovin' the bob!! Super cute! Complete sassiness!!
It is really cute!!
Ohhh I like it, alot!!! It looks so much thicker and healthier........ and most importantly easier to manage. She looks so adorably cute!!
Jill - she is absolutely a doll with the new doo! I love it! I did the same thing to our daughter from Guatemala and her hair was almost to her waist. I was like sorry bye bye until you are old enough to do it yourself. It looks great!
She looks so darn stinkin' cute!!! I recently chopped off Anna Grace's hair, too...for the same reasons.
I don't think your Lucy could EVER make a haircut look bad. :)
I love her new bob ... she is so sweet!!
Jill, I think little Lucy looks adorable and absolutely beautiful!
LOVE IT!! She looks sooo cute!!!
That hair cut on her is the CUTEST. She is simply adorable!
LOVE IT! But, look at our girls...:) it's the same cut!
I love it- I'm so tempted to have Mattea's hair cut like that. Lucy is so adorable!
Oh honey! Lucy's bob is fabulous! I LOVE it! So very cute, but of course how could she ever not look great with an adorable face like that? :)
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